Membership applications are processed once a month and your group leader will contact you to let you know when a space will be free for your child. Some groups have a waiting list due to demand and the capacity of our volunteers and our premises.
You will find a description below of each group that we organise with the age range and the activities that have been organised to date. Groups are loosely based on age and school stage but there is flexibility for members to join the group that will benefit them most.

18s+ GROUP
Core age range: 18-25 (flexible!)
Type: Youth Club
Mission of the group: The main objective in this group is to provide opportunities for young autistic adults to meet, connect and socialise together. Life after secondary school can be isolating for many of us if we don't manage to find the right next step, whether that is work, training or study. The 18s+ group aims to give as much control as possible over activities to the members. The activities that have been organised to date include darts lessons, art classes and coffee mornings. Parents do not need to be involved in this group. However, we always need more volunteers! For this group, volunteers help to organise activities, keep an eye on the group chat, and make sure that everyone is comfortable with their level of involvement. We have received very positive feedback from our members. We hope to grow numbers and facilitate more activities and the sharing of more special interests while maintaining a low-pressure, friendly, fun and welcoming atmosphere. Most of all we hope to encourage potential members to 'give it a go' and to feel free to come and go to sessions as often as they feel they can.

Core age range: 12 - 17 years
Type: Youth Club
(members must have turned 12 AND be in 6th class as a minimum) Mission of the group: The main objective in this group is to provide a safe space where teenagers can be themselves in a nurturing and encouraging environment. They have the opportunity to experience a typical youth club and to express themselves in an authentic way. The activities that have been organised to date include: cinema visits, drumming workshop, drama classes, yoga, circus skills 8-week program, bowling, disco nights, art and anime classes and board games. Parent involvement is an integral part of the group and all parents require full Garda vetting as well as attendance at two youth training sessions. There are a number of different ways to help, from leading an activity to assisting or administration tasks. The benefits for the children are enormous and give them the opportunity to be part of a social group where they get to enjoy new activities and have fun with their peers in a mutually understanding space.

Core age range: 10 - 12 (flexible)
Type: Youth club
Mission of the group: This club facilitates social gatherings and activities for senior primary children on a frequent basis to allow them to meet new friends, develop relationships and have fun in a safe and secure environment. We organise a variety of sensory-friendly events based on our members' interests, such as picnics at the cinema, horse-riding, Lego builds, gymnastics, art, and nature walks. Parent involvement: There must be a minimum of 3 leaders present per session and parents must stay to support their young person during the activities. The sessions also give parents the opportunity to meet other parents. Once a child has attended 3 times, parents are required to undertake vetting and training, to help out in sessions, and to contribute to the running of the club in whatever capacity they can. The benefits for the children are very positive. Members have the opportunity to interact with other children, to engage in social gatherings and to interact in a safe and understanding setting. The children get a flavour of activities that they may not otherwise have been able to participate in. It’s all about having fun and making friends!

Core age range: 6-9 years
Type: Social Group
Sunday 10th September 2023 - gymnastics returned for our Junior Group from 11.45 to 12.45, cost €10. Please sign in on the sheet shared by the group leader on the whatsapp group. Mission of the group: This group aims to provide a wide variety of activities where younger primary school-aged children can explore new and existing interests, make new connections and develop friendships in a welcoming and accepting social space. Activities that have been organised to date include: gymnastics, boxing, art, Zumba, arts and crafts and more. Parents are requested to stay at all sessions with their children in order to support their interactions with other club members. Once a child has attended 3 sessions, parents are required to go through our training and Garda vetting process. Parents are expected to contribute to the club as volunteers by helping to run sessions, to organise activities or to take on another support role as needed. The benefits for the children are enormous. They get to try out lots of different activities and to enjoy being part of a club that is set up to meet their needs.

Core age range: 2 - 6 (flexible)
Type: Social Group
Mission of the group: Parents have the opportunity to meet and support each other, while also participating in organised activities. Coffee mornings are held for parents to meet, connect, and share information and experiences. Age-appropriate fun activities are organised for the children in a secure space where everyone can feel free to come and go as required. So far, our preschoolers have enjoyed Kindermusik, baby massage, soft play dates, park trips and more.